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Erica & Spirit deliver BIG FREEIDA a spot on reading on her hit show Big Freedia Means Business in Episode 4 on the Fuse Network and the World of Wonder App


Please have a look around... Erica has one of her YouTube videos posted above so you can see her work and get comfortable with the thought of, "Wow, she can connect me to my deceased loved ones!?" We look forward to hearing from you and having Erica connect you with your loved ones in Heaven!

Faith, Love, and Hope (FL&H)

We all suffer from the loss of our loved ones that go home to Heaven. Sometimes we are looking for the signs that they are still around while we are searching for answers about how to handle this grief that weighs so heavy on our hearts and souls. During a session with Erica she will provide you with evidence that your deceased loved ones that have moved on into Soul form to Heaven are still very much a huge part of our lives. They are always holding our hands and guiding us through all of what life has to offer regarding our true path. Our spirited loved ones are there for us through the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Having Faith, Love, and Hope can be challenging during the grieving process. Mediumship Readings can help restore aspects of your FL&H and help you to understand how loved and connected you still are with the Souls you may feel a temporary disconnect with. Spirit wants nothing more than to restore the connection with you and to help you see the signs of how involved they are in our daily lives. 

As she tells everyone, Erica always says, "When people are ready for a reading they will just know in their heart." 

What our customers are saying

Spot on reading! I heard exactly what I needed to hear for some closure and peace in my life. There is no question as to if my mom came through.

-Christina M.


What our customers are saying

My first reading with Erica was last year and incredible (I have had two so far and both amazing experiences)

I went in with an open mind as this was my first reading ever

She started off with a message from my grandmother relaying info that ONLY myself and my grandmother would know and answers to things I have been feeling/noticing that were so peaceful and loving to feel/hear

The entire session was not only spot on with things nobody but myself would know, but information that has come true months later in the most incredible ways. I left feeling more fulfilled than ever before, at peace and excited about my future and what was to come. I still listen listen to our recording from the session and it is a gift that keeps on giving.

THANK you Erica! you are truly amazing and the best at what you do.

- Kara C.


    © 2024 Psychic Medium Erica Altmiller
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